Prevention of Maternal Mortality in Canada

The SOGC has been working toward developing a systematic approach for preventing maternal mortality in Canada. Our mission is to increase awareness of the issues surrounding pregnancy-related deaths and to promote change among individuals, healthcare systems, and communities to reduce the number of those deaths.
Identifying women at higher risk for maternal death is not easy. There have been shifts in the demographics of the child-bearing population in Canada and factors including age, medical co-morbidities, and risks and resiliencies associated with race and culture are challenging what we thought we knew about maternal mortality. Understanding causes of maternal deaths, contributing factors, the circumstances, and the complexities that surround them are more important than ever. The United Kingdom (UK) has very successfully shown that, by understanding factors that contribute to maternal mortality, programs can be developed that address specific education, training, system and policies that prevent future maternal deaths.
Why does Canada need a Confidential Enquiry System into maternal deaths?
A Canadian Confidential Enquiry System into maternal mortality will improve Canada’s maternal death statistics, and more importantly, generate system and practice information required to understand how deaths might be prevented in the future, inform provincial/territorial and national networks , and identify trends and emerging issues.
Identifying every single maternal death is a critical factor to improving Canada’s surveillance programs – if deaths are not identified as “maternal”, they will not be included in existing federal and provincial/territorial surveillance systems. More complete ascertainment, by implementing a confidential enquiry component to maternal death reviews, will provide accurate prevalence and allow us to determine trends, to identify priorities for recommendations and to report on the effectiveness of interventions.
Advocates and experts across Canada have been working together to gather momentum and support for a Canadian Confidential Enquiry System into maternal deaths. You can see some of the activities at the links below:
Published Papers:
Presentations and Advocacy Activities:
In the News:
Provinces and territories have a critical role to play in leading the implementation of maternal mortality review processes. Leaders of the Perinatal Programs of four provinces (British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Nova Scotia) developed a Toolkit for Maternal Mortality Review Committees (MMRCs) with the ultimate goals of capturing and reviewing all maternal deaths to one year post-delivery, identifying contributory factors and opportunities for prevention.

Canada’s MMRC Toolkit promotes best practices in maternal mortality review by providing guidance for all aspects of the review process, from how to establish a review committee to providing recommendations and follow-up for prevention.